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HORNS創作意念源於畢加索經常用到的元素-公牛,畢加索在1945年創作的《公牛》(Le Taureau)石版畫,展示了繪畫如何把對象由具象變成抽象,從視覺上剖析了公牛的形象和形態,再層層遞減,最後把形象削除到至簡,發現其「本質」。








HORNS collection was inspired by an element that Picasso often uses - the bull. Picasso's "Bull" (Le Taureau) lithograph in 1945 shows how the painting changes the object from the figurative to the abstract, and visually analyzes the image of the bull and the form is reduced layer by layer, and finally, the image is cut down to the minimum, and its "essence" is discovered.


HORNS' ring expresses the bull's horns in abstract lines, taking away the superfluous appearance and presenting the final minimalist form.


Materials: 925 silver and rhodium-plated

*Designed in HONG KONG

HORNS戒指 - 白金色 | HORNS Ring - White Gold

  • ●在做家務, 沐浴, 運動, 浸溫泉時請取下, 避免沾染油污, 汗漬, 化學品等污漬。
    ●盡量避免和其他飾物共同存放, 因各寶石和金屬硬度不同, 會產生摩擦損耗。
    ●如長時間不配戴請放回包裝袋裡共密封, 避免接觸空氣導致氧化變黑。


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